I SBSeg Hackathon

The 2019 edition of the Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security (SBSeg) will have a hackathon for the very first time. The goal of the HackSBseg is to stimulate the development of practical projects within information security, so that area enthusiasts meet for lightning-fast team-based project development - and have fun in the process.

The Hackathon theme will be "using blockchain to create distributed and secure applications". Blockchain is a data structure that allows information storage in an open way by multiple machines on a same network. Popularized by cryptotomes like Bitcoin, today there are several blockchain implementations that allow the creation of smart contracts, programs that are stored and executed by network members. Which applications really justify the use of blockchain and smart contracts? Participants should model a problem and be able to model and implement solutions that have coherent use of blockchain.

The HackSBSeg format offers participants the formation of groups of 4 people. The projects will be evaluated by the HackSBSeg judging committee, composed by academic and industry professionals. The full rules of the event can be found at this link: https://uclab.xyz/hacksbseg-rules .

Throughout the HackSBseg, qualified mentors will be available to participants to answer questions about hardware, software and related products. Participants should use their personal computers.


To those interested, registration must be made specifically to this event, separated from the SBSeg registration. Registration in SBSeg guarantees preference for a hackathon seat as specified in the event rules: https://uclab.xyz/hacksbseg-rules .

Registration will open at 5pm on August 14th (Wednesday) and will close at 10pm on August 16th (Friday). To participate, the interested should visit the link: https://uclab.xyz/hacksbseg-subscribe


The winning party will present its project just before the official SBSeg 2019 opening. Additional prizes will be available, but are yet to be defined.

Judging Committee

Yet to be informed.

Organizing Committee

I SBSeg Hackathon Chairs:
Marcos A. Simplicio Jr. (EP-USP)

SBSeg 2019 Chairs:
Routo Terada (IME-USP)
Daniel MacĂȘdo Batista (IME-USP)


SBSeg 2019 is an initiative by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).