XIII Workshop on Scientific Initiation and Undergraduate Works (WTICG)


Topics of Interest

Same as the main track.

Instructions to Authors

Regularly enrolled undergraduates or recent graduates who have completed the course as of January 1st, 2019 are eligible to submit papers to WTICG 2019. Undergraduate or recent graduate student status must be substantiated with appropriate documentation, which must be sent together with the submission of the work. The authors are invited to submit papers about Scientific Initiation (CI) works, software implementations and independent projects, completed in the years 2018 and 2019, or about to be concluded, developed during the undergraduate course; and about capstone projects which are already concluded or also about to be concluded. Complete works must be submitted in the "Complete Work" category, while work in progress must be submitted in the "Posters" category. Undergraduate students or recent graduates who have their papers accepted in WTICG will have their SBSeg registrations subsidized by CESeg Student Grants, a program of the Special Committee on Information and Computational Systems Security (CESeg) of the Brazilian Computer Society, whose objective is stimulate student participation in WTICG.

Papers can be written in Portuguese or English; formatting should follow SBC's template for papers which is available on the SBC portal. Full papers can have a maximum of 10 pages. Submissions in the “Posters” category must have a maximum of 4 pages. Submission of papers will be done exclusively in PDF format, through SBC's JEMS system.

The following criteria will be observed in the judgment of the works: originality, relevance, presentation, results, and technical quality. Papers selected by the evaluation committee will be published (in digital format), provided that at least one of the authors is enrolled in the event and presents the work.

A committee will select the best papers of all the complete papers and posters accepted and presented in the event.

Important Dates

Paper submission and registration deadline: 06/02/2019 (EXTENDED AND FIRM 07/01/2019)
Notification of decision: 06/30/2019 (EXTENDED AND FIRM 07/29/2019)
Author's registration and camera-ready version: 08/05/2019

Program Committee

Altair Santin (PUCPR)
Arlindo L. Marcon Jr. (IFPR)
Carla Merkle Westphall (UFSC)
Carlos Eduardo da Silva (Chair) (UFRN)
Carlos Ferraz (UFPE)
Cíntia Borges Margi (Chair) (EP-USP)
Daniel Batista (USP)
Danilo Curvelo (UFRN)
Diogo Mattos (UFF)
Edelberto Silva (UFJF)
Edna Canedo (UnB)
Eduardo Feitosa (UFAM)
Eduardo Souto (UFAM)
Emerson Ribeiro de Mello (IFSC)
Ewerton Rodrigues de Andrade (UNIR)
Igor Moraes (UFF)
Ivanilson Junior (IFRN)
Jean Martina (UFSC)
Jefferson Ricardini (USP)
Juliano Kazienko (UFSM)
Juliano Naves (IFRO)
Leonardo B. Oliveira (UFMG)
Luiz Fernando Rust da Costa Carmo (Inmetro)
Marco Aurelio Amaral Henriques (Unicamp)
Márjory da Costa Abreu (UFRN)
Michelle Wangham (Univali)
Natalia Castro Fernandes (UFF)
Rafael Obelheiro (UDESC)
Silvio Sampaio (UFRN)
William de Souza (University of London)

Organizing Committee

Carlos Eduardo da Silva (IMD/UFRN)
Cíntia Borges Margi (EP-USP)

SBSeg 2019 Chairs:
Routo Terada (IME-USP)
Daniel Macêdo Batista (IME-USP)


The SBSeg 2019 is an initiative by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).