IV WTE SBSeg 2019

Palestra: Internet Voting Security, Verifiability and Privacy (Segunda-Feira, 02/09, 17:00-17:30)


Ph.D. Vanessa Teague - School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

Resumo: Voting over the Internet might sound like a convenient way to expand access and get election results faster, but every serious examination of a system used for government elections has found serious security or privacy problems. In this talk I'll ask what properties an e-voting system would need to have to earn enough trust for government elections. Using systems from Australia and Switzerland as case studies, I'll explain how and why existing systems fall far short of these ideals in practice. I'll conclude by asking how we could improve election integrity throughout the world, without relying on the Internet for receiving votes.

Sobre a palestrante: Vanessa Teague is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at The University of Melbourne. Her research focuses primarily on cryptographic methods for achieving security and privacy, particularly for issues of public interest such as election integrity and the protection of government data. She was part of the team (with Chris Culnane and Ben Rubinstein) who discovered the easy re-identification of doctors and patients in the Medicare/PBS open dataset released by the Australian Department of Health. She has co-designed numerous protocols for improved election integrity in e-voting systems, and co-discovered serious weaknesses in the cryptography of deployed e-voting systems in NSW, Western Australia and Switzerland.

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Comitê de Organização

Coordenação do IV WTE:
Mario Gazziro (UFABC)
Paulo Matias (UFSCar)
Roberto Araujo (UFPA)
Ruy J. Guerra B. de Queiroz (UFPE)

Coordenação Geral do SBSeg 2019:
Routo Terada (IME-USP)
Daniel Macêdo Batista (IME-USP)


O SBSeg 2019 é uma iniciativa da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC).